Small but Mighty....

The Foo Dogs that started my itch... and search. The ones here I spotted at Nick Brock Antiques in Dallas last month. Not in my budget, but couldn't get them out of my mind... I know they might be passé, but I don't care...

...I have always wanted those Foo Dogs for myself, but it doesn't exactly fit anywhere in my house. But while I was at my local Garden Center, Nicholson-Hardie this week, I found a sweet little pair, about 2-inches long, that were $14.95. Perfect! I put them on a tray in my bathroom, and along with my cheap brush from Marburger and a pair of 1950's "turquoise" costume earrings, I love the way it looks! This little pop of colour makes me happy and supposedly they will bring me good luck, right??

Here are a few more Foo's .... Enjoy!

Pottery Barn

Josephine Fisher's design on Apartment Therapy

image: happy mundane.blogspot

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