Take the Good with the Bad ☃

Something's not right with this picture. Notice it? Snow on Cactus?? Yes, Texas is home to more cactus and palm trees than it is blizzards, but nature throws curve balls as it did this past 48 hours. We got a record 12 inches snow in one day. We might get one inch per year! But with the good comes the bad. First and foremost: NO ELECTRICITY for 2 days! It was 30℉ inside our house. All the food is spoiled... (but you  know what? My birds survived, and the boys and I (hubby was out of town!) spent a lot of time with NO TV, NO playstation, NO nothing but snuggling and talking!) Second bad thing, the loss of trees in our town.

This was a typical scene in our neighborhood, where we also lost one of our oak trees. 

But with the bad, comes the good! Since no one had any electricity, everyone had nothing to do but all get together outside in our yards, parks and schools and have snowball fights!  But it seemed the most popular activity was building snowmen. Many children, including mine, have never had the opportunity to do this. Ever. My son & I (just to escape the cold, damp house) drove around the neighborhood and took pictures of our favourite ones. Lots of different personalities, that's for sure!

 Looks storybook Frosty complete with a pipe!

This guy seems to match the personality of the house it stands in front of. Stoic, Proper... and still cute with only one eye...

I like how this big guy looks to be saluting and I like his striped scarf.

A Snowman family! Adorable with having a snow-girl in the mix with a pink umbrella! Not to mention the perfect Texas Rangers ball-cap...

This was my seven year old's favourite. I can see why. The goggles with the mask are a good look. Plus I like his yard gloves and the bedsprings as buttons. So adorable. And perfectly round too! This might of had some help from mom & dad.

So chic! the laurel scarf, the piece of paper draped ever so slightly on the arm...could it be a purse? And in the background, we have another one going!

Perhaps the most modern and creative. It looks like The Thing from the Fantastic Four to me. 

I like to call this one Davey & Goliath. No explanation needed. ☺

And the sassy one in the bunch with a wild animal hat!

But yeah for today. Although the foot of snow was fun, I'm glad the sun is out today. ☼ Our snow is melting. Gutters are hanging off the side of the house, branches are everywhere but we have lights, heaters and dare I say it....TV? And my sons's snowman below has about 2 hours left. He looks slightly sad....nose fallen out and all....

Of course, this one is the cutest of them all, right? Who needs a face anyways?
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