Particular about my Particuliére

On my dressing table, sits my two new nail colours.

On a recent, and rare, trip to the beauty counter at Neimans, I allowed myself to stop for one second to view the new colours in the Chanel Spring 2010 make-up. Big Mistake. This is why I don't go in the stores! I'm a drugstore cowboy! $20 Nail polish? Never. Okay, never say never. I walked away with two bottles. The one I really have come to LOVE, is their new colour named Particuliére.

This is a model on the runway wearing it on her nails. 

This is me, wearing my Particuliére, sporting my plastic $10.00 ring, and striking my best George Costanza hand pose. (That allusion will weed out the true Seinfeld fans from the novices.)

And I can't even believe I am showing a photo of my Barney Rubble feet, but I love this colour so much on the toes!! It's like Chanel meets the Munsters or something. I definitely think on this purchase, I will have a great, low CPW (cost per wear - lingo I learned from my fashionista friends... thanks guys!)
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