The Dénouement of My Holiday Eating

Well, the final part of my holiday binge has been revealed. An extra ten pounds. The extra weight has made me cranky of late. So above the scale in my closet, I have a little inspiration board which I am coming back to now.  On it, I have pictures of hairstyles, jewelry, outfits that I like as well as pictures of me in my regular jeans (notice I didn't say skinny jeans...I've given up that hope that I will ever be where I used to be). Also, I have a weight chart that I use to record my weight. I don't weigh every day, but maybe once a week. It's the only way to shock me into eating right again. My downfalls are pizza and sweets. Usually when I give those up alone, the weight comes off pretty easily. We'll see. Today I wiped off the dust on my inspiration door and scale, and am back to it. Fun's over! 
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