Happy Thanksgiving to You and Your Family. I am thankful foremost for the health of my loved ones and my own health. Without health, you don't have anything, and mine has been seriously tested this last year. My 8 year old son said a prayer before eating that brought tears to my eyes. Out of the mouth of babes comes honesty: raw and unabashed. And he felt the joy of everyone around him, happiness and family, and he prayed for everyday to be like this.

We had a wonderful meal. I figured out the stress-free solution to a happy Thanksgiving Day. Number 1: Designate each family member a dish to bring. We happened to luck out and only have to be responsible for only the turkey, which my husband Deep Fried. It was DELICIOUS. If you do not have an outside deep fryer for turkey's yet, I wholeheartedly suggest you get one. It gets the men out of the kitchen and gives them a task, and it is one that they completely excel in. This year my husband brined the turkey and then basted it after it came out of the fryer. YUM. I happened to try a new recipe for a German Chocolate Pie .... and let's just say that I ended up NOT serving it. It didn't look so good. No worries! And the #2. solution to a Happy Thanksgiving? Champagne. And lots of it. ;)

Yea! I got my table set!

I love to use salt cellars when I can, and I put one at each couple's setting

Not only did I use salt cellars, but for the first time I got to use my individual butter domes for each couples setting. I got them at Source Perrier, and I have been wanting to use them forever.

I bought a set of 10 vintage large dinner napkins that were already monogrammed (c.1920), and they are super-soft and really large. I found a spool of this ribbon in a drawer that happened to just match my plates perfectly, so I tied them around the napkin and placed the fork in them. I don't care what people say about napkin rings being "in" or "out". I will ALWAYS use them, one way or another.

I hope before you go to bed tonight you tell your family and your friends how much you love them and how thankful you are that you have them. I realize that while setting a pretty table is nice, it is ultimately just a pretty table setting. What matters most this day is the memories we make, the love we show, and the time we spend together.

Did I mention the Champagne? ;)
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