My 9 Reasons for Wanting to See Nine

The movie Nine, which opened in theaters in the United States on Christmas Day, tells the story about a filmmaker whose life ends up unravelling to the point that he can't distinguish between dreams and reality. He is constantly trying to balance all the women in his life, including his mother, wife, mistress, and costume designer. Nine was originally a hit broadway play, and is based on the movie 8 1/2 directed by Fellini. This adaptation has been brought to life on the big screen by Academy Award nominated director Rob Marshall. Here's my Nine Reasons I want to see it:

1. Sophia Loren - Sophia plays the eccentric director Guido Contini's mother. This is reason enough for me to see the movie. I have always loved Sophia, I think she is gutsy, glamorous, gorgeous, and she just seems so secure and strong, especially now in her older years. When I was growing up, we had a book, I think it was an autobiography, on our bookshelf about Loren. It had photographs from her entire life in it. As a child, I would gaze at her pictures all the time, spellbound by her looks and her life.

2.  Daniel Day Lewis - Daniel plays Contini in this film, the man surrounded by all these women. As an actor, he seems to really immerse himself in his character, and in this film, he seems to do the same. He is so picky in his roles, so anytime he is in a movie, I consider it a treat.

3. The Costumes -  Academy Award-winning costume designer Colleen Atwood has teamed up with Swarovski to create stunning Swarovski crystal studded costumes for the movie. 36 costumes in all have been set with their beautiful stones.  The costumes feature nine different crystal applications in 31 styles and 22 colors. So get ready to be dazzled by the crystal mesh dress worn by Kate Hudson, a Basque worn by Penelope Cruz and an evening dress worn by Nicole Kidman.

4. The Singing - apparently all these actress are really good singers! Who would of thought... they say Kate Hudson is a great performer in this film.

5. The Dancing - I hear Penelope Cruz and Marion Cotillard can really dance in this film. I love movies where the singing and dancing is mixed in with the regular script and you don't really notice the transition, or it doesn't seem odd that all of a sudden people are singing their lines.

6. Judi Dench - She is such a versatile actress, and I can't wait to see her character in this film. She plays Contini's costume designer.

7.  This Car - Doesn't it look glamorous?

8. The Setting - The stage, the runway, the extravagantly appointed rooms, I am going to have sensory overload just looking at all the background details.

9.  The Entire Cast - Daniel Day Lewis, Sophia Loren, Judi Dench, Marion Cotillard, Penelope Cruz, Nicole Kidman, Kate Hudson, Stacy Ferguson (Fergie)...The entire ensemble is a mix of award-winners and nominees, and I can't wait to see how they all interact with each other. I am curious to see who stands out? Who shines and who fizzles?

Did you go see it yesterday? I'm dying to know how it was!
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