Two Weeks Later...

I posted about a weekend of estate sale shopping a few weeks ago, and how I purchased this pair of lamps for $125.

Well, I didn't know exactly what I was going to do with them, but I DID know that A) I loved them - with their architectural fragment bodies and their custom made shades and B) That at $62.50 each, it was a STEAL. So, as I sometimes have a hard time letting go of purchases, especially bargains, I decided to keep them. They would go perfectly in my son's rooms!

Here is is on my youngest son's desk

And here it is on my older son's desk.

That's the great thing about having two children who are both boys, and close in age...I decorated their rooms so similarly... (well, the real reason for that was to negate any jealousy and fights between them, but it did end up being simple for me and there is no competition between them now --regarding their rooms!)
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