
I thought these photographs were kind of cool: both are a quick study of  the evolution of iconic design. One has been around over 100 years. One has only been around less than 25.

I have fond memories of going with my mom to the antique store (Uncommon Market off McKinney Avenue, to be exact) and my brother and I would have to wait for what seemed like forever for her. The store had a coke machine in the back, and even as kids, it seemed like an antique to us.  I think it took a dime, (a quarter at most) and you opened up the door and got the bottle out. Then you used the machine with the built in bottle opener to open the lid, and when you were finished you kept the bottle because once a month you would take all your glass coke bottles to Safeway for recycling.

Image: Kyle Bean

What's scary? I remember having the second cell phone in this line-up - wasn't it a Motorola? I also remember my mother having the Panasonic one that was attached in the black leather "briefcase". I believe they called it a briefcase phone? I grew up watching Maxwell Smart in Get Smart using his shoe as a phone. (My husband still calls his cell a "shoe-phone". Like "Call me on my shoe". Yes. Seriously.)  Little did I know that a few years later we would literally be talking on a portable phone, smaller than our shoe.
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