FLAT STANLEY around the World

If you haven't had a child in 1st or 2nd grade, you may not know who Flat Stanley is. Around the States, since 1995, school children make their own "Flat Stanley"(ok, it's really a paper doll, but don't tell the boys that) and then send him on a trip (either with grandparents, aunts & uncles, or family vacations) to return with pictures from his trip. Then each child writes a summary of Stanley's trip.  Some schools mail their student's Stanley to cooperating schools across the states, where the other students take the visiting Stanley on a journey, take pictures and write about it in a journal, then send him back. This is the original intention of the project. Our school shares Flat Stanley's experiences by posting his pictures and stories on the classroom wall, where each child can describe their little guy's adventure.
It is funny to see how each child decorates their Flat Stanley, and it is interesting also to see where he has been. I am going to do this in 2 posts, because there are so many that I find too interesting not to share! (Wait till you see some Stanley's USA adventures! *wow*)

My son's Flat Stanley visiting Starbucks in Germany

My son's Stanley, still in Germany. He worked hard on that Snowman.

Our Stanley went from Texas to New York to London to Germany. And he had lots of adventures, meeting Immigration/Passport officers, Chimney Sweepers, Tante's & Onkels, tasting Black Forest Cake.... Interestingly enough, some of the agents in the airport had met Stanley before. It's amazing to see how many Stanley's have been all over the world!

A Stanley in Egypt. He is very tall!
photo: flatstanley

Another Stanley at St. Basil's Cathedral, Red Square, Russia
Adorable colorful outfit and polka dot tie.
photo: Terry W B/flickr

A Stanley at the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy
photo: Uncle Jerry in Golden Valley, AZ/flickr

 Stanley at the Eiffel Tower, Paris France
Cute eyebrows on this Stanley.

Stanley at the home of Shakespeare's wife, Anne Hathaway, in Shottery, UK.
photo: Uncle Jerry in Golden Valley, AZ/flickr

Stanely with Sgt. Chester in Iraq

Stanley in Latvia (can you find him?) Very creative.
photo: Donna Becherer/flatstanley

A Stanley visiting Sapa, Vietnam
photo: torridcraftaffair/flickr

A (girl) Stanley in Tawain.
I love this photograph.
photo: amanda p. wu/flickr
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