
My youngest son is on his fourth Halloween in a row wearing a Star Wars costume. Well, it would be easy on me if he wanted to wear the same one every year, but apparently Boba Fett or Jango Fett has a new blaster thing that last years costume didn't have....It started in 2006 when he wanted to be R2D2. I could not find an R2D2 costume to save my life. I searched and searched and finally.....Ebay had one. It was an original Five & Dime one like I used to wear, in it's original box, dated 1977. Perfect!! I bid on it, and won it. Well, 2 days before Halloween I still hadn't received it. I emailed the seller, explaining my plight. My son HAD to have this R2D2 costume. 

This nice seller (somewhere in California) got in his car, drove 45 miles to the nearest airport where Fed Ex had a plane departing that night, and put this plastic 30+ year old costume on a flight to Texas. When that cute thing finally arrived, it meant so much to me. The actions of strangers do matter in our lives, because every time I look at this picture I think of what someone whom I did not know did for me and my family.

Who knows, maybe in 30 years my son will be selling it on Ebay, but by then I wonder if kids will know who R2D2 and Star Wars are..... wait ....WHO AM I KIDDING.

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