Not Your Old Classroom Globe

I have a friend that collects globes. He has maybe hundreds of them. It always struck me as an interesting thing to collect. With that many globes around, I wonder if you closed your eyes would you know the shapes and names of every continent, country, city, by heart? For people that collect maps, do they often dream about where you'll go on that map?

When I think  of a "globe", I think about the ones we would have in the corner of our elementary classroom, that had the bumpy texture for the mountains and you would spin it to get to the continent you were studying.  The globe is really a microcosm of our little world. Our entire planet can fit in the palm of your hand or on a plastic rotating stand. A major city is a dot, and a mountain range is a little lump. 

The world is so empty if one thinks only of mountains, rivers and cities; but to know someone here and there who thinks and feels with us, and though distant, is close to us in spirit - this makes the earth for us an inhabited garden. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Capvt Mundi Gold and Diamond pendant. Italian
From: Liv Ballard Designs/1st dibs

Capvt Mundi Gold and Diamond cuff. Italian
From: Liv Ballard Designs/1st dibs

If I were going to collect globes, I would take the two above, thank you very much.

c. 1960s Japanese jeweled enamel music box/lighter
Stripe/1st dibs

Metal Garden Globe
Linda Horn/1st dibs

19th C students slate globe

c. 1920 Italian Art Deco Lamp
Tyler Galleries/1st dibs

Globe crafted from Suar wood in Bali, by French furniture maker
From: The Collection L.A./1st dibs

Italian Table with four globes and compass in middle, c. 1980's
The Collection L.A./1st dibs

Saint Augustine
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