Watermelon Binge

I have been eating watermelon almost everyday for the last month. I don't know what has gotten into me! Ever since I was told to go gluten-free I have been looking for alternatives to my sweet tooth, and watermelon is one of those treats I am enjoying. I eat the seeds and all -- which means I probably have about 10 watermelons growing in my stomach. Crikeys! 

I snapped this photo at a roadside fruit stand in Colorado. We couldn't help stopping, as it looked like the stand was smiling for us. That big watermelon grin.

They had bins of fresh melons. Although we bought peaches instead, these were tempting. But I was too tired to lug the thing to the car. I just had the sweetest watermelon I've ever had though in South Alabama this summer. It was in a bucket at the Gas Station. Who would of thought?

Watermelon is also such a beautiful fruit. The vibrant pinkish-red hue spotted with shiny black dots all wrapped up in a yummy two-toned striped green -- such a unique looking food -- God was definitely showing his artistic flair when he created this fruit. And it's delicious to boot! Yummy! 

My mom already had this Limoges watermelon shaped box, shown in the back here. I found the Swarovski covered watermelon pill-box a few years ago and gave it to her. She displays them both on a tray in her guest bath. Nothing says summer like some Swarovski covered watermelon! Ha!
If I had a daughter, I'd buy her this cute watermelon hand-bag. Isn't it fun? Available here.

Or if you are a techie with a sense of humor, you can buy this 8 GB USB pen drive in the shape of a watermelon wedge. Can you imagine this sticking out of a computer tower? This would make a great gift I think. From here.

If that's too much, you can always play it safe by painting your nails a summery colour, aptly named Watermelon. By Essie, available here.

Then again, you can be true to it's intentions, and EAT your watermelon instead of wearing it! Either with yummy sugar cookies shaped like watermelon slices.... (recipe here)

Or the real thing: Fresh Watermelon Slices. Enjoy either way! (PS. the real stuff has less calories than the cookies. *wink.... in fact, 1 wedge (1/16 of a whole watermelon) has only 86 calories and is a good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Potassium). Never mind the sugar. It's natural. ☺

Summer Vacation 2010
My son figures out a new way to 'eat' watermelon. Stick a straw in a slice and drink the juice. No seeds!
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