Let Me Introduce Myself!

Nothing like the night before the first day of the kid's school, to learn how to start a blog! So this will be short & sweet.  I don't know exactly why I decided to create a blog, but I think it was the fact that there are so many out there that I really enjoy reading. For many reasons. Primarily, Inspiration! People blog because they are passionate about something! I love to see people's sketches, artwork, photographs. What a catalyst to get my mind going, about what I want to do, where I've been, Where I want to go.......
Also, I love to see people's sense of self. What I mean is, that a blog is literally an on-line diary, so you can read what people deem important enough to write about! Some of it shows great humor, some shows great depth, but whatever it shows, it is usually entertaining.... and thought provoking.  I think the reason I want to do a blog is because I love sharing my thoughts & ideas on subjects & objects that I view interesting, inspirational.  I am passionate about all things lovely, intriguing, exciting, and dramatic. I am passionate about Love, Life, Family, Art, Design, Fashion, Humor, Sincerity, Relaxation, Laughter, Devotion, Comfort,  and Virtue.
did i say i love to laugh??
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