Tania Libertad defeated breast cancer

During the concert he gave at the weekend in the Mexican city of Puebla, the Peruvian singer Tania Libertad confessed that he was a survivor of breast cancer. They unveiled the newspaper La Jornada de Oriente. "

"It is not customary to make a show of my life or my actions or failures, but a week ago I got rid of breast cancer and probably the one above, you'll know why I'm here, singing, " said the interpreter lies 31 years in Mexico.

Minutes before ending the concert, Caridad Herrera, keyboardist accompanying Tania asked the public to offer a round of applause for the singer, since she had chosen to leave his bed to meet his followers.
The words of Tania Herrera thrilled and encouraged to confess that, from a few weeks ago, his life was endangered by cancer. "The others, the show, are in Hi, Faces or Tvnotas, but I am here with you, accompany them. Thanks people! "he said.
Viewers sent them many blessings and wished him

we also wish him luck to good health throughout his life
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