Lindsay Lohan could return to prison

The controversial American actress, Lindsay Lohan, who last year was twice in prison and now on parole, would return to prison if it is found that he stole a $ 2,500 necklace.

Police in Los Angeles actress investigates the disappearance of a chain store Komofie and Co. in Venice, and Lohan appeared in photos wearing a jewel that had been reported missing.

The detectives obtained a search warrant to recover the part of the house of the actress, but the necklace was delivered at a police station before registering.

This new problem, one of the biggest facing the Hollywood star, comes when the actress is on probation after his arrest for drunken driving in 2007.
A judge had warned Lohan not get into another mess or sent to prison, now the actress 24 years of age, must convalesce before a judge on 24 February.
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