In the Ukraine, traditional Easter eggs were hand made, meticulously painted using a wax-resist, or "batik"
method. Eggs were saved so that they could be used year after year. While making eggs like this is a wonderful traditional activity, it's a rare person who has time to do this and add to a collection every year.
Enter Pysanky Egg Sleeves!
These sleeves are a fast way to make your own lovely Easter eggs. If you want to save your eggs
year after year, you'll have to drain them of their contents (no one wants a rotten egg, no matter how beautiful!). Each strip has seven different designs that when cut will fit one standard egg. In each
package there are four different strips for a total of 28 designs. Hot water shrinks the sleeve to form
around and adhere to the egg.
Now, if even this sounds like too much work, check out these Hand-Painted Wooden Pysanky Eggs.
They're painted with enamel and colorful yarn is attached to the top, but you can snip it and put them
in a bowl. The work's already done, and these are ready for display!
They're wrapped and ready to go.
You can find these and other Easter decorations here.