Even Yummier than they are Pretty

My Tante made these for us this summer, and they are the BEST Linzer cookies I have ever eaten - being half-German I should know. But my Tante and my Onkel, both from Germany, are great bakers and make the best breads and pastries -- and this cookie is no exception. The cookie itself is soft and flakey and just perfect - not too sweet, not too bland. I asked her for the recipe, and she quickly emailed it to me.  They are perfect for Christmas time, tea-time, showers, Valentine's, anytime! Make a batch and wrap some in cellophane and give them as Holiday gifts to your neighbors! 

Tante Helga's Linzer Cookies

1/2 lb butter
1/2 cup sugar
2 cups flour

 Beat sugar and butter together in Mixer
add flour and make a nice, smooth dough
Refrigerate until cool and firm(not cold)

Use a baking sock over the rolling pin  (a must or you will use to much flour and they get yucky - if you don’t have one you can buy them at any good kitchen store)
Roll the sock-covered rolling pin in flour; roll out half of the dough and cut with cookie cutters. Place these on a cookie sheet. 

With the remaining dough, roll out and cut with the same cookie cutter - but cut a small hole in each cookie. (The tip from a decorating bag works good to make the hole - or even better you can purchase a Linzer cookie cutter like this one here - this is much easier)

Bake both kinds of cookies (solid and with hole in center) in 375 oven until lightly browned. Cool them, then put a dab of jam on each solid cookie and top with the cookie which has the hole.

Store in tight can or tupperware. Before serving dust with a little powder sugar in a sifter.  

OF COURSE My Tante Helga makes her own raspberry jam (and to keep it authentic German, you must use RASPBERRY JAM) but you can purchase any high-quality jam. I personally like Bonne Maman France (available at all Grocery stores).

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